We are your reliable offshore hiring company.

Hire offshore with a reliable partner

Why Hire Abroad?

Companies who aim to be successful on an international level need to have a strategic approach when building their support team. Like every organisation, a strong support team for your consumer driven roles, can make a big difference in the outcome of your business. By choosing six sigmai you will:

Improve the company’s focus

by delegating tasks that need to be prioritised instead of spending too much time focusing on business administration and repetitive tasks. This will increase efficiency and productivity which will lead to more time spent on strategic and revenue-generating activities.

We are not your typical 9 to 5 business

We operate 24/7 making time zones not your problem. It’s crucial to have a customer support that works around-the-clock and this is could be an expensive expense however outsourcing with us makes it affordable. Offshoring contact centre services gives our customers an advantage with shorter hold times, instant online chat, responsive social media management and DM queries.

Our team at Six Sigma makes sure

to deliver and handle all operations that comes between your business and our employees therefore, reducing risks and time for you. Offshoring business positions which are not in your area of expertise can lead you to focus your time and energy into structuring and supporting your internal team as well as seek new opportunities that will be beneficial for the growth of your company.

Cost Efficient

Your business can save up to 70% by cost cutting employment spending with outsourcing compared to hiring locally.

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