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Your eCommerce, boosted!

The power of accessibility that one has with ecommerce has changed the game for both consumers and businesses. Customers have the advantage of buying anything, anytime and everywhere on any device, this is why it is vital for companies to seek the ultimate shopping experience to be able to drive their sales and maximise their profits.

Whether you’re selling a product or a service, your company needs to make sure they have a strong ecommerce support. Six Sigma provides 24/7 virtual assistants that are able to assist customers whenever they want. Outsourcing these services is a strategic approach to grow and expand operations all while saving money.

Job Roles

  • 24/7 Customer Support
  • Order Processing Management
  • Technical Service Outsourcing
  • Digital Marketing and Digital Support
  • Supply Chain Solutions
  • Revenue Management
  • Data Entry
  • Inventory and Logistics Monitoring
  • Customer support
  • Ecommerce developers
  • Copy writing
  • CRM/E-mail marketing
  • Platform and marketplace specialist


Increase sales

With the help of your outsourced team, your business will have the time to focus on its core values and seek new ways to expand its market reach.


Competitive advantage

Cutting costs of up to 70% and delegating your time on what really matters to push your business to its full capacity is what will keep you ahead of your competitors.

24/7 customer support

Being part of a 24/7 economy, it is vital for your platform to offer this service. Such service is expensive when hiring locally that’s why outsourcing is the most cost effective way for your business.

Marketplace Support

Work with staff who are familiar with these marketplace and help you navigate and operate your ecommerce store.

Millennial candid authentic girl using laptop for income e-commerce business at home


Find out how outsorcing E-Commerce tasks can help your business.

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