We are your reliable offshore hiring company.

Scale your team

Nowadays a contact centre is a crucial sector of your business organisation. It is not your typical call centre service as it used to be, as now with this digital era customers are seeking to be connected with companies in ways that are convenient for them.

Digital channels such as: text, message, email, online customer support and social media are growing in demand. Six Sigma facilitates all of these interactions by giving your company an offshore team that matches your requirements.

By having the right customer service your business will gain new clients and retain existing ones which will lead to higher margins and profitability.

Job Roles

  • Chat managers
  • Contact centre agents
  • Customer service representatives
  • Inbound and outbound sales support
  • IT support specialists.


Quick Response

With customers having so many options to choose from, if your customer service doesn’t attend a customer on time, there is a probability that customer is looking elsewhere and your business loses a potential client. Outsourcing with Six Sigma will provide you with skilled and experienced staff to ensure you get the best customer experience.

24/7 customer support


Being part of a 24/7 economy, it is vital for your platform to offer this service. Such service is expensive when hiring locally that’s why outsourcing is the most cost effective way for your business.


Increase productivity

It can get boring for employees to be constantly following up with clients or answering questions and dealing with requests all the time. In addition, it is also costly when hiring somebody locally while working off business hours. By delegating their tasks to Six Sigma staff, who are trained and used to assisting customers, they will  have more time to focus on different aspects of the business that will increase their efficiency as well as ROI. Outsourcing will also permit companies to save up to 70% of their budget on employees and invest it in different sectors that will maximise their profit.

Find out how outsourcing Contact Centre tasks can help your business.

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