We are your reliable offshore hiring company.

Streamline your accounting

With just 3 of our accountants, your business could be saving a substantial amount of approximately $150,000 a year!

Outsourcing accounting positions is one the most outsourced service as it has proven to be very effective for businesses to grow smartly while increasing profits. Most industries benefit from building their offshore accounting team as this has proven to boost productivity, efficiency and flexibility.

Whether you’re an accounting firm or independent business, Six Sigma will ensure you have the adequate team for you to operate efficiently all while working under your management and system. All our employees are highly skilled and specialised in accounting, making you get the best experience while saving up to 70% compared to hiring locally.

Job Roles


Better control over your business

By delegating your tasks to our highly skilled professionals, you will free up a substantial amount of your time to focus on your core activities as well as your clients, which will benefit your business by obtaining a better service as well as better results. We all know that tax season can get very hectic, that’s why we are here to help you get organised and make sure you get all the help needed.

Cost efficient

Hiring locally is expensive and can take a significant portion of your annual budget. Outsourcing certain positions will not only save you up to 70% off regular costs but will allow you to allocate your budget on highly skilled experts in the industry.  



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