We are your reliable offshore hiring company.

About Us

Hire with confidence

Offshore hiring specialist agency

At Six Sigma we offer a frictionless solution to hiring offshores personnel for your team. We help you find, hire and manage your offshore team in a professional and efficient manner.

We understand that building your ideal team can be challenging and even more so finding the right candidates. Especially nowadays, hiring locally has become very expensive therefore, businesses try to do as much as they can with the team they already have.

Here at Six Sigma, we are here to help you fix that. We’re here to tell you that you can free up a substantial amount of time by just delegating your everyday tasks to us. This will enable you to focus on other responsibilities that will make a difference for your business.

Everyone wishes to have more time yet it’s impossible to attain. What if you were able to free up a substantial amount of time by just delegating your everyday tasks to be able to focus on responsibilities that will make a difference.
Our core is to understand each customers requirements for us to be able to cater each need. Thanks to the 21st century, you get to have the best of both worlds. The combination of our cloud-based software and overseas staffing will make you feel as though your team is right there with you and not million miles away.

Six Sigma Defines Analyzes Measures Improves Controls

01. Define

Determine what potential outsourcing/staffing positions the company will benefit from.

02. Measure

Calculate how many positions are needed in each sector for you to be able to develop a true vision.

03. Analyze​

Strategically evaluating which positions needs to be delegated in order for the business to dedicate themselves on responsibilities that add value to them by maximising profitability and efficiency which will lead them to achieve their long term goals.

04. Improve

Once your business has measured and analysed which action needs to be undertaken, Six Sigma will ensure to find the perfect candidates for each positions you are looking for.

05. Control

Through our cloud-based service we are able to oversee  everything from delegating tasks to managing productivity, this eases all communications and transparency with our customers. We ensure that our team delivers the best possible service that will solve their problems by maximising their time to focus on higher value, strategic work.

Why Outsource?

Why Choose Us?

24/7 Customer Support

Qualified members only

Save in operational costs

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Our Roadmap


- Six Sigma Global Solutions founded
- 30 staff members hired


- COVID19 enhanced our working model (working from home becomes the new norm)


- Increased demand for remote work


- Our team expanded in Philipinnes and remote staffing stays at the forefront of business needs


- Start operations in Australia

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